Ms. B’s Art on a Cart Book Series


                                   All books are available on Amazon.  See links below each book.

                                                            Something From Nothing  #1 

Ms. B is a teacher who is passionate about art.

She doesn’t have a classroom but does have a cart.

She teaches the art elements and principles each day,

providing a valuable life lesson to those along the way.

The Great Chance to Enhance #2

Ms. B travels from class to class with a piled high cart,

inspiring your children to learn about art.

Her students learn how to make a jar from coiled clay,

but they get a valuable chance to enhance along the way!

The Chicken Soup Group #3

Ms. B, along with students and high-piled cart,

form a club at the school to create some wall art.

Find out why Ms. B thinks that working as a group,

can be compared to a bowl of great chicken soup!

The Unique Critique #4

This is the fourth book in the series about Ms. B and her cart.

Her passion is teaching children all about art!

In this adventure the students get a critique of their work,

and learn that some words help while others can hurt.